Jumat, 19 Juni 2015

Top 100 Heal Careers

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The health-care professions represent one of the largest employment areas in the UnitedStates, annually absorbing thousands of newly trained workers. This field attracts peoplewith a wide range of educational backgrounds, from high school through graduate school,because it offers such a variety of career options. The explosive growth of the health-careindustry stems from a variety of factors:

• Our growing and aging population continually demands more health care.This translates into explosive growth in home health care and clinical outpatientservices.

• Managed-care and cost-control efforts generate positions such as physicianassistant and dental hygienist. These workers do many of the routine tasks
doctors and dentists used to perform—at a much lower cost to patients and
insurance companies.

• Technological advances create entirely new jobs, such as sonographer and
nuclear medical technologist.

• Our society’s increased health consciousness has placed a strong emphasis on
the role of health advocates and counselors—in fields as diverse as enhancing
nutrition and improving mental health.

This book is a complete career guide and directory. It will help you choose a health-care
career, find the education or training you need for that career, and walk you through the job .

if you are interested in reading this book please download at the link below..
Thanks and Enjoy..

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