Jumat, 31 Agustus 2018

Brain Cancer and Brain tumor

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Brain Cancer and Brain tumor
The treatment and outlook vary greatly depending on factors such as type of tumor and the location in the brainThe main parts of the brain include:
1.    The cerebrum : this is divided into the right side (right hemisphere) which controls the left side of the body, and the left hemisphere which controls the righr side of the body. Each hemisphere is divided into various sub-selecetion, the main divisions being the frontal lobe, tempolar lobe, parietal lobe and occipital lobe. the cerebrum is also where you think and store your memory
2.    The cerebllum : This lies behind and below the cerebrum. one of its main functions is to help control balance and co-ordination.
3.    The Brainstem : This helps to control basic bodily function such as the heartbeat, breading and blood pressure. nerves from the cerebrum also pass through the brainstem to spinal cord
4.    The meninges : These are thin layers of tissue which separete the skull from the brain. The outer layer to the skull is called the dura. the next layer is called the arachnoid. under the arachnoid tissue is the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) which bathes the brain and spinal cord
5.    The pituitary gland. this releases various hormones into the bloodstream
    The main type of cell in the brain is called a neuron, there are millions of neurons in the brain. neurons have long thin nerve fibres which enable them to send massages to other parts of the brain and down the spinal cord to all parts of the body, the brain also contains glial cells. there are various type of glial cell, including astrocytes, oligodendrocytes and ependymal cell.

What is cancer ?
Cancer is disease of the cell in the body.the body is made up from milions of tiny cell. there are many deferent type of cell in the body and there are many deferent type of cancer have in common is that the cancer cell are abnomal multiply out of control.
Non- cancerous (benign) tumours may form in various parts of the body. benign tumors grow slowly and do not spread or invade into other tissues.there are not usually life-threatening. they often do no harm if they are left alone. however, some beningn tumours can caouse probloms. for example, some grow quite large and may cause local pressure symptoms (especially in the brain). also, some benign tumours which arise from cells in hormone glands (see piutary tumours, below) can make too much hormone which can cause anwanted effects.
A cancerous (malingnant) tumour is a lump or growth or tissue made up from cancer cells which continue to multiply. malignant tumours invade into nearby tissues and organs, which can cause damage. malignant tumours may also spread to other part of the body. this happens if some cells break off from the first (primary) tumours and are carried in the bloodstream or lymp channels to other parts of the body. these small groups of cell may then multiply to from secondary tumours (metastases) in one or more parts of the body. these secondary tumours may then grow, invade and damage nearby tissues and spread again.
Some cancers are more serious than other; some are more easily treated than other (particularly if diagnosed at an early stage); some have a better outlook (prognosis) than other . so cancer is not just one condition. in each case it is important to know exctly what type of cancer has developed, how large it has become, and whether it has spread. this will enable you to obtain reliable information on treatment options and outlook.

Primary of secondary tumours
The original site where a tumour first develops is called a primary tumor. cancerous (malignant) tumours may also spread to other parts of the body to from secondary tumours (metastases). these secondary tumours may the grow, invade and damage nearby tissues and spread again
Primary malignat brain tumours
A primary malignant brain tumour is a cancer which arieses from a cell within the brain. the cells of the tumour grow into and damage normal brain tissue, also, like non-cancerous (benign) brain tumours, they can increase the preasure inside the skull. However, unlike most other type of malignant tumours. primary brain tumours rarely spread (metastasise) to other parts of the body
There are various types of primary malignant brain tumour. the deferent types develop from diferent type of cell in the brain. As a general guide, each type is graded on a scale of 1-4 grade 1 and 2 tumours are said to be low grade and the grade 3 and 4 high -grade. the higher the grade, the more aggressive the tumour tends to be and faster it tends to grow. the treatment options and outlook (prognosis) very depending on the type and grade of the tumour

Secondary malignant brain tumours
A secondary malignant brain tumour means that a cancer which started in another part of the body has spand to the brain. many types of cancer can spread to the brain. the most common type that do this are cancers of the breast, lung, bowel, kidney, and skin (melanoma)
Defferent type of brain tumours
there are many type  of non cancerous (benign) brain tumours and primary cancerous (malignant) brain tumours. many are very rare. the following is brief description of the most common type
meningiomas are usually benign. they grow from cell in the tissues that surround the brain (the maninges)
these are high-grade malignant tumours that grow in the cerebellum. they are uncommon in adults but are one of two most common brain tumours in children, there often astrocytoma in cerebellum
these are malignant primary brain tumours that arise of glial cells, there are various types, depending on the cell of origin- for example:
⦁    Astrocytomas (originating from astrocyte cells) there are various type of astrocytoma thery include : Astrocytomas is low grade, anaplastic astrocytoma this is a high- grade tumours and glioblastoma multiforme this is a high-grade tumour which tends to grow quickly. it is most common type of primary malignant brain tumours in adults.
⦁    Oligodenrogliomas : (originating from oligodendrocytes). these can vary in there grade
⦁    Ependymoma : (originating from ependymal cells). these are rare, but are usually low-grade

Primitive neuroectodermal tumours ( PNETs)
These are very similiar or medulloblastomas and mainly occur in children
Pituitary tumours
There are various type of tumours which arise from the diffrent cells in the pituitary gland. they tend to be benign whoever, the cell of the tumours may produce large quantities of hormones which can cause various symptoms, as they grow, they may also cause pressure symptoms, the nerves of sight (optic nerves) are near to pituitary and so a growing pituitary gland tumour may press on optic nerve and effect vision
Acoustic neuroma (schwannoma)
this is a benign tumour which aries from schwann cells which cover the nerve that goes to the ear. symptoms can include deafness on the affected side and dizziness with a spinning sensation (Vertigo)
What causes brain tumours
the cause of most non cancerous (benign) brain tumours and primary cancerous (malignant) brain tumours is not know
Genetic factor may a be a risk from some people-perhaps in about 1 in 20 cases. for example, people with the hereditary diseseases called neurofribromatosis type 1, turcot's syndrome, Li- fraumeni cancer syndrome, and tuberous slerosis have a higher-than-average risk of developing a glioma. then people with these diseases develop a glioma it trends occur in chidhood or early adult life. however, these cases are only small proportion of all glioma tumours.
How common are brain tumours
non-cancerous (benign) brain tumours and cancerous (malignant) primary brain tumours are uncommon. Overall they occur in about 12 in 100,00, people each year
the most common type in adults are benign meningioma and a glioma called glioblastoma multiforme. some type are very rare
Brain tumours can occur at any age. some type (such as medullablastoma) are more common in children and some are more common in adults. generally, the tummour that tend to occur in adults become more common with increasing age
secondary (metastatic) brain tumours are more common than benign brain tumours and malignant primary brain tumours

What are the symptoms of brain tumour
General symptoms
Early symptoms may include headaches and feeling sick. these are due to increased pressure within the skull (raised intracranial preassure). these symptoms may come and go first and tend to be worse in the morning. coughing. sneezing and stooping may make the headaches worse. epileptic seizures (convulsions) sometimes occour. increasing drowsiness may occur as tumour enlarges
Symptoms due to location in the brain
As a tumour grows it can damage the nearby brain tissue. The fungtions of the defferent parts of the body are controlled by defferent parts  of the brain. therefore, symptoms vary from case to case, depending on which part of the brain is affacted and on the size of affacted area. for example one or more of the following may develop:
⦁    Weakness of muscles in arm, leg , part of face or eyes
⦁    problems with balance, co-ordination, vision, hearing, speech, communication or swallowong
⦁    loss of smell
⦁    Dizziness or unsteadiness
⦁    Numbness or weakness in a part of the body
⦁    confution
⦁    personality changes
⦁    symptoms related to hormonal changes if you have pituitary tumour

How are brain tumours diagnosed and assessed
A doctor will examine you if a brain tumour is suspected from the symptoms. this will include checking on the functions of the brain and nerves (movemonts, reflexes, vision, etc)
An MRI scan or CT scan of the head is the common test done to confirm or rude out the presense of a brain tumour. see separate leaflets called MRI Scan and CT scan for more details. if a tumour is identifed, further more detailed scan and tests may be done. for example, a PET scan or a cerebral angiogram are sometimes done to obtain more information about tumour
A small tissue sample (a biopsi) may be needed to be sure of the type of tumour. the sample is than examined under the microscope to look for abnormal cells. to obtain a biopsy from a brain tumor you need to have a small operation, usually done under anasthetic. small hole is bored in the skull to allow a fine needle though to obtain a small type of tumour can be identified. if it cancerous (malignant), the tumour grade can be determined (see above)
Blood test and other tests on other parts of the body may be done if the tumour is thought to be a secondary (metastatic) tumour. for example, it is quite common for a  lung cancer to spread to the brain. therefore a chest X- ray may be done if this is dupected. various hormone tests may be done if a pituitary tumour is suspencted

What are the treatmants for the brain tumours
The main treatment used for brain tumours are surgery, chemotherapy, radiotherapy and medication to control symptoms such as seizues. the treatment or combination of treatments advised in each case depends on various factor, for example:
⦁    The type of brain tumour
⦁    The grede of the tumour if it is cancerous (malignant)
⦁    The exact site of the tumour
⦁    Your general health
Surgery is often the main treatment for non- cancerous (benign) brain tumours is primary and primary cancerous (malignant) tumours. the aim of surgery is to remove (or even of the tumours) whilst doing as little damage as possible to the normal brain tissue. Your specialist will advase on whether surgery is possible option

Radiotherapy is a treatment which uses high- enery beams of radiation which are focused on cancerous tissue. this kills cancers cells or stops cancer cells from multiplying.
Radiotherapy is sometimes used insted of surgery when an operation is not possible for a malignant brain tumour. sometimes it is used in addition to surgery it is possible to remove all the tumour with surgery or to kill cancerous cell which may be left behind following surgery

chemotherapy is a treatment which uses anti- cancer medicines to kill cancer cell, or to stop them from multiplying. it may be used in addition or other treatments such as surgery or radiotherapy; again, depending on various factor such as the type of tumours

Medication to control symptoms
if you have sizeures by the tumour then anticonvulsant mediation will usually control be sizeures. painkillers may be need to ease any beadaches steroid medication is also commonly used to reduce inflamation around a brain tumour. this reduces the pressure inside the skull, which helps to ease headaches and other pressure symptoms
you should have a full discussion with specialist who you know case the will ba able to give the pros an cons, likely success rate, possible side-effects and other details about possible treatment option for your type of brain tumour

What is the outlook
it is difficult to give an overall outlook. every case is different, for example if you have a non- cancerous (benign) maningoma which is in a suitable place for surgery, the outlook is excellent
for primary cancerous (malignant) brain tumours, the outlook above is very general. the specialist who know your case can give more accurate information about your particular outlook and how well your type and stage of cancer is likely to respond to treatment.

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